




The Pain Clinic - Singapore


疼痛医学自 2000 年不断发展。 疼痛医生接受过专业培训,可以评估、诊断和治疗各种疾病、损伤或癌症造成的疼痛。 疼痛既可以是疾病的症状,也可以是原发性疾病。 因此,全面性的治疗包括药物治疗、物理治疗、心理治疗、运动和微创介入性手术来帮助疼痛患者恢复健康。

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新加坡国立大学内外科医学学士, 新加坡麻醉科硕士, 新加坡医学院院士, 运动医学研究生文凭


Dr Ho Kok Yuen is a specialist in pain medicine and anaesthesia. He completed his pain management fellowship at Duke University Hospital in USA in 2006. He is involved in teaching, research and also serves on numerous advisory boards. Besides writing articles in peer-reviewed journals, clinical practice and consensus guidelines, as well as book chapters on pain and anaesthesia, he lectures at international conferences and teaches at interventional pain workshops frequently.


  • 美国疼痛管理学院(DAAPM)院士
  • 欧洲局部麻醉与疼痛医学学会(ESRA)欧洲疼痛医学文凭(EDPM)
  • 欧洲疼痛联盟(EFIC)欧洲疼痛医学文凭(EDPM)
  • 李光前医学院体育医学研究生文凭(LKCMed)
  • Chairman, Chapter of Pain Medicine Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
  • Council Member, College of Anaesthesiologists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
  • 世界疼痛学院(WIP)东南亚分会主席
  • 世界疼痛学院介入性疼痛治疗院士(FIPP)
  • FIPP考试考官
  • 新加坡医学院院士(FAMS)
  • 新加坡疼痛协会前任会长(2011-2017)
  • 东南亚疼痛协会(ASEAPS)前任副会长(2012-2013)
  • Dr Ho Kok Yuen is widely recognised as an expert in minimally invasive interventional pain management, having performed thousands of such surgeries. He treats persistent and severe pain using therapies such as steroid injections, nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, intrathecal drug delivery and spinal cord stimulation.

    The first physician in Asia to perform cooled radiofrequency ablation, he has been treating spine, sacroiliac joint, hip, and knee pain using this technique since 2006. He also administers spinal infusions to ensure pain-free end-of-life comfort care for patients with advanced terminal cancer pain.

    当波士顿科学公司(Boston Scientific) 在东南亚推出其最先进的脊髓刺激系统 WaveWriter Alpha™ 时,何国元医生是东南亚第一位为病患做植入手术的医生。SCS使用电脉冲来阻止脊髓中的疼痛信号,有效地治疗难治性背痛、腿痛和神经痛。脊髓刺激疗法已经帮助全世界数以千计的人,改善了他们的生活质量。











我们与多家保险公司合作,协助您处理住院和手术费用。在某些情况下,如果您的保险公司预先批准,医院和保险公司之间可以直接联系,让您在治疗期间更放心。我们诊所得到了卫生部的认证, 您也可以使用医疗储蓄(Medisave) 支付部分的手术费用。.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pain Management

  • Pain management involves a variety of techniques to prevent, reduce, or stop pain sensations. At The Pain Clinic in Singapore, we offer multidisciplinary approaches, which may include a combination of medications, physical therapy, psychological therapy, and minimally invasive interventional pain procedures. We treat pain both as a symptom of other diseases and as a primary disorder itself.
  • Our Singapore based pain specialist, Dr. Ho Kok Yuen, provides a variety of treatment options based on the nature and severity of the pain. These include, but are not limited to, pain medications, physical therapies, and advice on exercises, workplace ergonomics, and posture. In cases where pain control remains suboptimal, we may recommend minimally invasive procedures like shockwave therapy, nerve block, steroid injection, radiofrequency ablation, drug pumps, or neurostimulation.
  • The cost of pain management can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the pain, as well as the specific treatment plan designed for the patient. At The Pain Clinic, we strive to provide quality care at a reasonable cost. Our charges are transparent and adhere to the Ministry of Health Fee Benchmarks. For a more accurate estimate, it’s best to schedule a consultation where we can discuss your specific needs and available options. Please note that we are accredited by Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) and work with various insurance partners, which may assist with hospitalisation and surgery claims.
